Transformative mentorship coaching and hypnotherapy


A lifelong, successful turnaround from surviving to thriving

Do you want to master yourself, your energy, your emotions and your mindset?

Book a transformation call with me today.

Karolin Lovén: Hypnotherapist, RTT® Practitioner, Elite Mentorship Trainer

Karolin Lovén: Hypnotherapist, RTT® Practitioner, Elite Mentorship Trainer

Create your blueprint to “Lovén Your Life”

“The outer world follows your inner world”.

I’m Karolin Lovén, Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT) practitioner, hypnotherapist, coach, Elite Mentorship Trainer (EMT) and single mother of two lovely boys.

Welcome to my website – I’m here to help you radically transform your life, empower yourself, emanate wellness, embrace happiness, radiate vitality and become the master of your own growth journey.

But first, answer these important questions:

  • Are you stressed, unhappy or low on energy?
  • Do you feel stuck, alone, unfulfilled or powerless?
  • Are you lacking purpose, direction, inspiration and confidence?
  • Do you suffer from mental or emotional blockages or have limiting beliefs about yourself?
  • Do you battle to master your relationships or emotions?
  • Are you feeling “not enough” and often compare yourself to others or criticise yourself?
  • Do you lack the ability to love yourself?
  • Do you procrastinate, easily get overwhelmed and have difficulties focussing on or finishing what you start?

If you’ve said “yes” to any of them, it’s time for a rapid change!

Why is it time for a change? Because all these agonising pain points show up in your life in ways that impact your effectiveness, causing a lack of balance and self-worth. And this, in turn, affects how you relate to both your inner self and others, impacting your personal life and career.

If this resonates with you, you’re probably not living life to your full potential and are likely experiencing unnecessary suffering or pain (emotional or physical), health issues, hollowness, anxiety, depression or poor quality of life.

You might feel like a victim to outer circumstances or that you are not in charge of your life. And you probably really do want to change all this, but you do not know how to do it successfully or even where to start.

How do I know? Because I’ve been there myself.

After 30 tough years of battling physical pain, mental and emotional burnout and feeling victimised by my own circumstances, I found myself sabotaged, incapable and constantly worried. I was on a negative path to self-destruction.

My mindset was dominated by thoughts of scarcity, insignificance and the belief that I was unworthy of love, success or appreciation. I was continuously stressed, overwhelmed, searching for validation from others – and I believed that change was out of reach.

In fact, read my full story and you will agree that I was at my lowest ebb ever. My life was unbearable, and I had given up hope of ever bouncing back. I believed that success, love, wellness and a thriving life was not available to me.

Today I tell a very different narrative – one of transformation, enthusiasm, vitality and a belief that my potential as a human being is limitless.

“Lovén Your Life” programs:

Do you want to master yourself, your energy, your emotions and your mindset?

Benefits of the unique “Lovén Your Life” transformative philosophy

If you want to manifest the successful change you deserve, I have the tools you need. A pivotal transformation management strategy with rapid, radical and long-lasting effects.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • High levels of self-mastery
  • Vitality, energy and empowerment so you can live every day to the full
  • Confidence and self-belief so you can do what you love
  • The ability to tap into your true potential and create limitless success
  • A stress-free life where you will thrive rather than survive
  • Inner peace, positivity and self-love to help you always feel ”good enough”
  • Enhanced quality in all your relationships
  • Phenomenal coping skills – you’ll feel resourceful and certain that you can handle whatever life presents to you
  • A like-minded global community and support system.

In my “Lovén Your Life” program you will learn the secrets of quantum physics, master the laws of attraction and be able to control your mind, energies, and emotions. In short, I will teach you how to live a magical life!

Simply book a transformation call with me today and let’s begin your journey.

Love, Karolin

“A new future is always available” – Believe in it.

“Transformation should be available to everyone”

Go from surviving to thriving

The key to my own transformation came in the form of two of the world’s most powerful personal development strategies and methodologies: The Elite Mentorship Forum (EMF) and Rapid Transformation Therapy® (RTT).

Not only did they help me overcome my past, but they set me on a path to self-discovery and enhanced awareness, giving me the skillset to transcend and cope with the obstacles that come with day-to-day living. My life as a self-sufficient entrepreneur took off.

Now I am a successful, highly qualified hypnotherapist (RTT ®), transformation coach and mentor with plenty of experience, and add massive value to those I connect with. My offering will give you the opportunity to transform your life perspective and unfold yourself.

Let me help you gain a higher understanding and experience both mental and physical transformation – even on a cellular and biochemical level.

I am passionate about providing a global opportunity to revolutionise your mindset and how you show up powerful and energised in your own life – creating rapid pathways to success and giving you the keys to unlocking love and lasting joy.

Work with me and let me guide you through my successful handbook for “Lovén Your Life”!

My happy clients will tell you how my unique programmes, personal engagement and guidance have massively changed them.

“If you don’t master your energy, your energy will master you”

These are some of the things that my “Lovén Your Life” blueprint has changed for me:

  • I am living in balance, peace and harmony with myself
  • I am thriving as the mother I always wanted to be for my two boys
  • I feel more in control of my life than ever before
  • I am pain-free mentally, emotionally and physically
  • I am a successful, confident entrepreneur
  • I am resourceful and certain that I can handle whatever life presents to me
  • I have meaningful connections and relationships with everyone I encounter
  • I am empowered, positive, energised, happy, conscious and truly “Lovén Life”.

Isn’t it time to do the same for you?

Through my unique “Lovén Your Life” transformative philosophy, I have had the privilege of guiding many clients from all over the world in finding their own joy and empowerment.

Showing you how to achieve this for yourself has become my ultimate passion and purpose.